Peking Duck Pancakes 荷葉餅

  • 300g all purpose flour
  • 150g boiling water
  • 75g cold water
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp vegetable oil

  1. Place the flour in a bowl. Slowly add the boiling water and mix with a spatula.

2.  Let the flour absorbs the water and cools, knead the dough into a ball.

3.  Cover the dough with plastic wrap in a lightly oiled bowl,  and allow the dough to rest for 30 minutes.
4.  On a work surface dusted with flour, divide the dough into 24 equal pieces and roll into balls.

5.  Working with 2 balls at a time, brush the top of one ball with vegetable oil and place the other ball on top.

6.  Roll them into a double layer round pancakes, 7 inches in diameter. Dust with flour if necessary.

7.  Heat a flat skillet over medium low heat for 1 minute. The heat in a dry skillet must be controlled well.
8.  Cook the double pancake in the dry, hot skillet for 1 minute, until the pancake begins to bubble up.

9. Turn the pancake over and cook until a few brown spots are visible.

10.  Remove the pancake from the skillet and separate the layers. Cover them with a damp towel as you work the next pancake.
11.  Repeat until all the dough is used, and serve immediately.

I served the pancakes with some stir-fried dishes when there is no Peking Duck  :-)
Stir-Fried Shredded Chicken with Sweet Bean Sauce
Stir-Fried Green Bell Pepper Shiitake Mushroom 


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